Acne Treatment - Natural Remedies and Cures

There are many concepts arising related to acne. Basically, acne is a skin problem that arises as a result of excessive production of sebum in response to stress or any condition that causes increased oil production from the sebaceous glands present in the skin.

Acne can be more burdensome or frustrating if it keeps on proliferating. Moreover, many people suffering from can also feel lack of confidence in them just because of those nasty pimples on their face and neck. So, here I suggest you something which you don't find over-the-counter because this is beyond one's imagination. Yes! Now I am going to tell you some fast and natural treatments for acne. They will not only help alleviate your pimples but will also add up to your skin glow.

Acne occurs as a result of clogged pores in due to excess sebum and the blockage is what provides the ideal environment to the bacteria seated deep in the pores. So our aim is to help these pores to stay open. Moreover, there is ultimate need to clear of the acne bacteria named Propionibacterium acnes.
Here I present some natural treatments of acne and how to cure it properly.

1. Drink plenty of water:

Water is considered to be the most important content of our body. It enhances the flushing mechanism in our body and washes the toxins away deep from our tissues. Therefore, it is always said that water content in our diet must also be more than any other nutrient. We should, therefore, drink more than 10 glasses of water daily. This can help blood remove dirt and toxins from pores of skin. It also maintains the natural tone of skin and makes it glowing.

2. Eat Vitamin A rich fruits and Vegetables:

Did you know that Vitamin A is helpful for repairing of skin cells? It helps the skin to amend and maintain the natural look of skin. If there is Vitamin A deficiency, our skin fails to survive because it is unable to repair properly. Therefore, it has been researched that eating vitamin A rich food like carrots can help fulfill its deficiency.

3. Aloe Vera for your pimples:

I think it is the best proven natural remedy for skin. It is well known for killing bacteria and reducing inflammation. So, apply fresh Aloe Vera daily on your skin as a mask. Wait for few minutes it until it gets dried. Then wash your face. You will feel the difference.

4. Apply honey masks at least weekly:

Honey mask must be applied twice in a week. It is a natural cure. As honey acts as an antibacterial agent, it washes away all the bacteria from the clogged pores. More than that, it adds glow and makes you look beautiful. Apart from that honey can reduce redness of your pimples because it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent as well.

5. Multivitamins:

Acne is something which points out an event happening wrong inside your body. Skin is basically dependent on diet. So, it is necessary to take care of its health through proper diet which is rich in minerals and vitamins. Vitamin A, C and E are especially necessary for you fresh glowing skin. These can only be obtained through fresh fruits and raw vegetables. So, avoid cream-rich and oily foods. Start on taking raw vegetables and fruits instead of French fires and pastries. This will help you fight against acne.

Get Rid of Acne Scars Using Home Remedies

Most cases of acne are reported to affect teenagers. However, this does not mean that being an adult makes you acne free. Homemade acne scar removal mitigates the disfiguring effects of acne. These remedies provide an option against acne scars that is both accessible and affordable.

The options available for removal of acne scars produce different results. Some remedies are tasking in their application and their results are minimal. The reputation of these remedies is usually over exaggerated. Others promise mythical results that can be very confusing to the end-users. Fortunately, there are options that will give you tangible results. Some remedies offer you quick, practical and effective results.

Most homemade ingredients for removing acne scars are readily available in most kitchens. These homemade remedies are free from the harmful toxic effects of industrial ingredients. The extracts used in these remedies provide vital healing solutions for ugly scars.

Citrus Based Remedies

The citric acid present in vegetables and fruits is very vital for lightening the affected spots. Juice from citric fruits can be applied on the face or skin. This can be left on the skin during the night and rinsed off the following morning. If you keep up this routine you can get your scars faded and have your skin redness toned down.

Lemon juice is a much preferred choice for your skin care needs. Lemon juice has long been used for conditions that include treating blemishes, acne scar and age spots. Applying lemon juice on the skin boosts the elasticity of your skin while at the same time improving its complexion and skin tone. This acid sterilizes the skin effectively and stalls bacterial infection which accelerates the spread of acne pimples.

Lemon juice has a soothing and refreshing effect when applied on the skin. The juice also acts as a natural toner and cleanser especially when left on the skin overnight. If you require a natural toning effect, it is also advisable to leave a slice of lemon on your skin overnight.

Tomatoes too are rich in vitamin A and C reserves. Vitamin C impedes the secretion of sebum which is responsible for promoting acne breakouts. Wearing a tomato pulp mask overnight can fade acne scars.
These vitamins benefit your skin by rejuvenating and slowing down the aging effect. The tomato therapy needs ample time before its effects can set in. It is necessary to maintain a skin care routine regularly to achieve a skin beautifying effect.

Lemon Juice Toner- This rich source of vitamin helps to get rid of free radicals from your skin. The potent acidic content of lemon juice stimulates cell regeneration and helps in replacing dead skin cells. Repairing the damaged skins accelerates the growth of new skin.

Tips on How To Cure Acne Effectively

You have probably heard of the phrase "the skin makes up for 50% of the person's beauty." Indeed, if you take a look at those people who are considered beautiful, they most likely have flawless skins. But if yours is a face that's always plagued with acne, chances are you hate seeing yourself in the mirror and avoid meeting new people. This is how teenagers start feeling insecure of themselves which can terribly affect their emotional and psychological growth. So, before you start losing that self-confidence, it is best that you get know what you're dealing with and how to cure acne.

Acne is considered the most popular skin problem in teenagers, although some people continue to have them even after their puberty period. Basically, it is characterized by the imbalance of hair follicles or skin pores caused by several factors around you. Generally, acne does not impose danger to your health but the experience and the scars they will leave can be traumatic. Those who have oily skin are more prone to acne development, thus it is important to watch over your fatty food intake so as not to worsen your acne. However, there is no scientific explanation directly linking specific types of food as causes of acne, but they thrive well on oily skin so it is wise to limit their breeding ground.

It is also good to keep your skin healthy by a having well-balanced diet, including a substantial intake of fruits and vegetables. These foods are rich with vitamins and minerals to nourish your skin and give it a glowing look. They also provide your body with natural defenses against skin problem, plus the added benefits of a healthy physique.

Another way to avoid and reduce acne is to keep your skin free of dirt and dust, by washing it with mild soap. Avoid using those that contain harsh chemicals in the hope of ridding your face of oil, because this may lead to other skin problems. To avoid acquiring dirt on your face, keep your hands away from it as much as possible. It is also important to regularly change the bedding, especially the pillowcase, since you unknowingly rub your face on it during your sleep.

Stress is considered among the primary triggering factors of acne. This is why some adults continue to suffer from it. Hence, you should seek ways to counter stress like setting activities that can take your mind away from your usual concerns. This may be as simple as taking a walk or run every morning, a weekend night out with friends or doing some yoga exercises.

Lastly, if you still get an unnatural acne outbreak after trying out the above tips, then it is time to consult a dermatologist. There may be products in the market that can cure your acne, but without proper knowledge, there is a great possibility that it will only worsen your problem. Therefore, it is a must that you have a thorough understanding about acne: what it is and how to fight it.